What is PBIS at Lee County High School?
Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a general term that refers to the application of positive interventions and system changes to achieve socially important behavior change. It is based on a problem-solving model and aims to prevent inappropriate behavior through teaching and reinforcing appropriate behaviors.
What are the Responsibilities of the LCHS PBIS Team?
- Meet twice monthly to discuss PBIS program initiatives
- Monitor the implementation of the PBIS program
- Review student discipline data and develop interventions to address specific school needs
- Organizes school-wide reward activities
- Provide classroom support to teachers
What are the PBIS Behavior Expectations at Lee County High School?
LCHS “PRIDE”- Preparation, Respect, Integrity, Dependability and Excellence
- PRIDE is the teaching/learning component of our PBIS program
- The PRIDE framework addresses appropriate student behavior in different school environments.
- PRIDE rubrics are posted throughout the school to remind students of appropriate behavior in the different locations.
- LCHS PRIDE Review – teach these behaviors from day one and intermittently throughout the year as needed.
- The PBIS team will determine specific school behavioral needs as related to the PRIDE program and formulate an action plan to target those needs.
- Rewards are based on office referrals (school) and attendance.
- Bus referrals that result in ISS or OSS will be counted against eligibility to participate in reward activities.
- The reward cycle lasts for nine weeks (grading cycle)
- If a student receives a referral, he/she will be ineligible to participate and or/receive a reward for the remainder of the nine week period.
- Pops for Passers- On each report card day, students can bring their report cards to the cafeteria during lunch to receive a blow pop if they passed all of their classes. We highlight the grades as we review them and congratulate the students on their success. Pops for Passers is announced for several days before report card day.
- PBIS Students of the Month - Every month teachers nominate a student in their class that they believe exhibits Trojan PRIDE (preparation, respect, integrity, dependability and excellence) and give the PBIS coordinator a brief explanation as to why the student deserves to be recognized. The PBIS team selects six Students of the Month (two from each grade level) from the nominations. Students are then treated to a lunch with the admin team, a certificate, and their picture on social media, in the Lee County Ledger, and on the PBIS Bulletin Board in the 400 Hallway. All students that are nominated for Student of the Month receive a ticket to receive ice cream, a PunchABunch prize, or an item in the campus shop.
- Perfect Attendance - Students who have no unexcused tardies or absences are recognized throughout the year with various rewards.
- PBIS Teacher Award - Teachers and students can nominate a teacher for the T.R.O.J.A.N. award (Teacher .....) The winner receives a trophy that is passed along to the next month's teacher of the month.
- PBIS Star Award - School staff receive recognition through the monthly S.T.A.R. (Special Thanks and Recognition) award. The trophy is passed along to the next staff member to be recognized.
PBIS Interventions
- School-wide behavioral lessons - Using the Character Strong program, teachers provide instruction during weekly PRIDE classes that focus on positive character traits.
- PBIS team assistance with classroom management or managing specific student behavior.
- Teachers are trained in the Behavior RTI process and will be given a resource bank to address the behavior needs of their students. The RTI process will include, but not limited to, performing Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA’s) and developing Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs).
- Saturday School for behavior intervention before being assigned ISS when possible.
- Aspire works with students who need extra counseling.
- Weekly meeting with the counselors to work on behavior management and coping skills.
- LCHS has instituted a demerit system this year for behavior referrals. Students may have demerits taken away if their behavior continues to improve.
- The use of ELT (Extended Learning Time) this year as a weekly 45 minute study/remediation/teaching session for all students.