Principal, Dr. Karen Hancock -
Assistant Principals
April Trussell -
Jason Millsapp -
Hank Wright, Athletic Director -
Dr. Dee Ann Owens, Instructional Supervisor -
Jodie Knight, Career Tech Ag Director -
LCHS has long been known as a school of excellence, and once again we will set out to prove it. Whether in the classroom, the academic competition arenas, fine arts, the athletic fields of play, or community service, our faculty and students are among the best in the state of Georgia – and the nation. Students will always be encouraged to get involved with a school-related activity, as there are many different and varying activities to help develop students academically, socially, and emotionally. Parents will always be encouraged to get involved in their child’s education.
With your help, Lee County High School will continue its drive for excellence. If we can help any of you in the pursuit of your goals, or in any other matter, please let us know. I look forward to serving you and making sure that this is our best year yet! GO TROJANS!
Karen Hancock, Principal