Other Programs
The Lee County ESOL Program is designed to help students attain their full social and academic potential within the culture of an American school. We are committed to developing our students' communicative confidence and skills in the four main areas of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, the ESOL program seeks to create supportive learning environments in your child's classroom and school which value and build on students' academic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds.
Title I Program
Some Lee County High School students in grades ten through twelve receive Title I services in either a math or reading connections class. The scheduling model used for the students is a pull-out model with students receiving services during one of their two connections classes. Procedures are in place to identify students in the school who might be eligible for Title I services. The Title I eligibility pool consists of any student who falls in the bottom 25th percentile of their grade level based on multiple criteria. Criteria used for ranking students consists of standardized reading and math scores, universal screening scores for math and reading, averages in regular academic math and reading classes, student Lexile scores, and whether or not the student has received services in the past via special education, Title I, and/or gifted programs.
Special Education Program
Lee County High School students who have been identified as needing special education services are placed in the least restrictive environment available and appropriate for them. Most of our special education students are served using an “inclusion” model for classroom instruction and study skills or direct math/reading class for additional support.